Walking to a Better Health


Walking is one of the simplest forms of exercise but is pretty helpful in improving general health. It’s what you can do to start on your fitness journey—taking baby steps literally and figuratively.

Introducing physical activity into your life

Walking is a great physical activity for all ages. It is one of the best things you can do to start your young kids on exercise. You can do it leisurely in parks or around friendly neighbourhood streets so your kids will enjoy the activity as much as their heart is pumping faster to good health.

That’s the beauty of it. There is practically no limit when doing the exercise. You can go for a walk any time of the day, no matter what age or even the health state you might be in. Even those recovering from surgery can start their way to recovery by walking a few steps a day, as recommended by their attending physician and depending on the kind of surgery they just had.

Walking after surgery

People who go through a hernia surgery in London are recommended to have some form of exercise as soon as possible, and walking is one of the few things they can do. Hernia surgery treats a condition when an organ bulges through a weak tissue or muscle, usually between the chest and the abdomen.

The most common type of hernia is an inguinal hernia. It’s when the intestines tear through the abdominal wall and cause bulging in the inguinal canal. An expert inguinal hernia surgeon in London performs the repair when the bulging already causes significant discomfort like severe pain in the groin area.

After a successful hernia repair in London, patients are advised to slowly get back in shape, giving their bodies some physical activity. Besides walking, they may also perform deep breathing and simple leg exercises to keep the circulation going.

Walking to better health

Walking at least 30 minutes a day can do wonders for your overall well-being. This low-impact activity can help increase your cardiovascular fitness, improve your balance, strengthen your bones and muscles, and develop endurance. It can also help reduce body fat and your risks for life-threatening conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.

To get the best out of walking, you must do it as often and as briskly as possible. A 30-minute session per day several times of the week can help you enjoy much of its benefits. Experts also recommend keeping your heart pumping faster by walking briskly or fast until you are slightly puffing. Getting almost out of breath is a sign that your cardiovascular fitness is on a roll.
When you have an existing health condition, or you just had a surgery such as a hernia repair, it is best that you first check with your physician before you start walking or any exercise program for that matter. Your hernia surgeon in London may provide you with valuable instructions on getting up and moving and increasing your sessions as your general health improves.

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