EXCLUSIVE: One week left to enter Employee Benefits Awards 2023

Employee Benefits Awards 2023HR, reward and benefits professionals who want their organisation or team to be in with a chance of winning at the Employee Benefits Awards 2023 have just one week left to enter.

This is the last chance to enter and win recognition for achievements attracting, motivating and rewarding employees through benefits strategies during 2022. The final deadline is Friday 27 January.

The Employee Benefits Awards, now in its 21st year, recognises excellence in the reward, benefits and HR community and celebrates the organisations, teams and individuals that have made a significant difference through their reward and benefits strategies. Set to take place on Friday 23 June 2023 at the HAC London, the awards comprise 23 categories, including pensions, mental health, motivational benefits and financial wellbeing.

For the Best pensions communications award, the judges will be looking for a successful strategy that helps to boost employee knowledge, and understanding, of pensions and the need to plan for retirement. They will look at methods used to communicate pensions to employees, how these were appropriate or tailored to suit the workforce, the language and imagery used, and how this engaged staff.

Meanwhile, the Best pensions strategy award will recognise an employer that has developed a pensions strategy that best meets the needs of its workforce. Examples of this include taking steps to reduce gender pension gaps, reviewing and changing an existing pension provision, having a strategy in place for auto-(re)-enrolment and rising contribution rates, and introducing measures to deal with any increase in cost.

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Other work around introducing greater flexibility around retirement options in response to pension legislation, implementing workplace savings options to complement pensions provision, and educating employees about making adequate retirement savings and offering provision for them to do so will also be looked upon favourably.

To see all the categories and start building your entry, click here.