20% of employees receive parenting support from their employer

parenting support benefits packageJust one in five (20%) working parents receive some kind of parenting support as part of their benefits package, according to research by REC Parenting.

Its Empowering parents and caregivers at work: a blueprint for employers report, which surveyed 2,000 working parents with children aged 18 and under, also found that only 14% of respondents feel their employee benefits package supports them effectively as a parent and 20% receive no employee benefits at all. Two-fifths (40%) have considered quitting their job because of the pressure of juggling home and work life.

Just over a quarter (28%) of younger parents aged 34 and under who have very young children said they have dedicated parental benefits, compared to 16% of those aged 35 and over.

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Four-fifths (80%) of respondents said they believe employers have a responsibility to support working parents, whereas 4% think that employers do not have that responsibility. As many as 83% think that their line manager should be aware of their parenting responsibilities and 73% would like them to receive training on how to support them more effectively.

Dr Ana Aznar, founder and chief executive officer of REC Parenting, said: “Employee expectations are evolving and what they want most from their employer in 2024 is to know they care about them as an individual and provide the support they need to be able to reach their full potential. This involves supporting them in and outside of work. We know that working parents are feeling the strain and are looking to their employers for help. Businesses that take this responsibility seriously and put practical measures in place to provide that support will be the ones to reap the benefits.”