Financial wellbeing calendar: why your activities need to be timely and pertinent

One important thing to consider when you’re planning financial wellbeing activities – like webinars and workshops – is how they align with key dates in the financial calendar.

For many, personal finance can feel pretty unpredictable. Especially now. But there are, nonetheless, well-worn grooves shaped by predictable, recurring personal finance dates that guide us throughout the year.

These determine what many of us are likely thinking at any given time.

That’s why having a sense of when and what those key dates are – and how to plan around them – is essential for every HR, benefits or wellbeing team.

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In this article, the team at Claro Wellbeing explains the benefits of ensuring some of your financial wellbeing activities align with key dates in the financial calendar (and the risk of not doing so). They’ve also identified the top personal finance dates you should pay attention to.

Click here to read the full article on the Claro Wellbeing blog.