The one thing that will boost workplace productivity within days

The one thing that will boost workplace productivity within days

It’s a common issue in today’s stretched workplaces. How can organisations get the most out of their workforce to hit company goals, while maintaining a happy, healthy workforce; avoiding overloading staff and potential burnout? It’s a tricky balance to achieve, but there is one small thing that could transform your employees’ productivity – with almost instant results. So, what is this magic tool?

Acclaimed Professor of Science Wendy Suzuki claims that “exercise is the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today.” She breaks this down into three simple reasons:

  1. Exercise immediately improves mood and enhances reaction time
  2. Regular exercise will have a long-lasting improvement on a person’s ability to focus on tasks
  3. Routine exercise has been proven to slow the effects of neurodegenerative diseases

Suzuki’s advice on the importance of exercise and how it can empower your brain can be applied to employee wellbeing and improving workflow. Exercise has a direct effect on the body and can improve employee health in many ways, including improving the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, mental health – think mood boost and providing an outlet for stress – and increasing feelings of self-worth. It may be no secret that enhanced wellbeing practices lead to a more productive and motivated workforce who take fewer sick days and reduce a company’s healthcare costs – but what does this look like in reality?

Corporate wellbeing initiatives may include discounted rates on a gym membership, an after-work running club, at-office yoga classes or even just encouraging employees to take the stairs instead of the lift. While these may go some way to enhancing workforce health and productivity, there is often a struggle to motivate or encourage staff to take part in these initiatives, track usage and measure outcomes.

Post-pandemic, the challenges have further increased – that gym discount, after-work sports club or in-office yoga class may not be relevant to those working remotely who cannot access the facilities or be at the football pitch. And the move toward flexible working means that some may prefer to skip the lunchtime walk in favour of finishing early and avoiding the after-work rush hour.

DocHQ Fitness was designed with these challenges in mind. DocHQ’s AI tech-powered fitness platform meets the needs of both on-site and remote workers, has been shown to increase usage and adherence rates, and offers employees encouragement and incentives to exercise. Most importantly, DocHQ Fitness provides anonymised data, allowing HR teams to track workforce usage and gain accurate insights into employee health and its impact on productivity.

While other existing online platforms offer a cookie-cutter approach to exercise, DocHQ Fitness combines human expertise via our network of elite personal trainers, with AI-tech – to offer personalised exercise plans tailored to an individual employee’s goals, needs and preferences.

AI-guided workouts use motion tracking through our advanced software, to offer the user real-time feedback and visual and audio guidance as they work out – like a personal trainer in their home (or office, or hotel room). All the user needs is a laptop or mobile device, meaning they can workout from the office, home or while travelling, with or without equipment. From HIIT, to yoga, pilates, strength training, core training, cardio and low-impact workouts, all workouts and programs are created by elite fitness professionals using a database of over 1,500 exercises that can be performed anytime and anywhere.

To support the AI platform, DocHQ offers employee incentive schemes to encourage people to workout – think points towards vouchers or perks every time they complete a workout.

Company challenges can offer group motivation, and our network of elite personal trainers are on hand for health and fitness themed webinars, in-person events or wellbeing days, and remote PT sessions.

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As outlined by Suzuki, exercise is a transformative tool that helps empower individuals and the organisations they work for. As your wellbeing partner, DocHQ can help drive your company’s success by catering to your employees’ health and wellness needs.

To book a demo of our software and get a FREE 2-month trial of DocHQ Fitness, contact Amit Arora,