AI adoption in HR – Lessons from Unilever


AI-centric organizations design algorithms that work, after that, system delivers values on its own. This is how new age departments are scaling their operations and sparing time for more value-driven decision making. And the HR industry is not far behind!

A TOPCHRO report on “Opportunities and Challenges in AI Inclusion” shows, recruiters around the world are quite positive and upbeat about the adoption of AI in HR. Instead of seeing AI as a threat or replacement for their functions, they believe AI-enabled HR technologies would act as a collaborator.

65% of Human Resource professionals said AI doesn’t make them lose their goodnight sleep over the prospect of a takeover by AI. Further, 33% believe that AI augments their tasks to give them time to do “more human tasks.”

Similar sentiments were exhibited by Unilever, the world’s biggest CPG conglomerate, in its reinvention of HR department. It adopted HR tech embedded in AI to drive faster and more accurate predictions. Here we summarize main highlights of the report and take a quick glimpse of lessons HR pros can learn from Unilever’s case of adoption of AI.

Why (should you) adopt AI technologies in HR?

Well, some hard facts point to why organizations need to include AI in their HR systems, and there are some soft reasons too. AI has positively influenced operational architecture of many organizations. Below are the hard facts to back it up.

  • Incorporating AI reduces man hours: 75% to 85% of the resumes do not fit the bill. As a result, HR pros end up losing 14 hours every week, all for nothing. AI-powered automated processes help screen candidates from the huge pile of resumes, which is considered the hardest part of recruitment by 52% of talent acquisition leaders.
  • AI reduces costs and increases productivity: Following from the point above, the report shows that automating certain processes in screening, recruitment and retention, improves productivity by 41%, reduces cost by 75% per screening, and increases revenue per employee by 4%.
  • Improves candidate experience: Loosing on competent talent is the last thing top companies want to do. Research suggests using AI in recruitment improves candidate experience by 17%. Beyond recruitment, AI has conclusively been proved to decrease employee turnover by as much as 45% (mostly due to a stable and standardized match making).

A look at some soft reasons why should you adopt AI in your HR processes.

  • Eliminate bias from recruitment: Irrespective of how well-meaning you and your company is, biases enter our recruitment process. AI inclusion in HR leads to unbiased and standardized hiring practices, enhancing accuracy of hiring across geographies and truly achieving diversity.
  • Set sustainable and robust standards: By eliminating human intervention, AI makes processes not just descriptive, but prescriptive, and makes sure company vision is taken in account at all stages.

Like Unilever did it! – Lessons for AI adoption in HR

One of the biggest British conglomerates in CPG section, Unilever, shows how it solved its recruitment woes by employing AI and AI-driven games in hiring processes. Here are some key highlights of this reformation.

  • The result of AI inclusion was 12-neuroscience based games in the first part of hiring process, and video interviews in the second phase.
  • At the initial stage was a digital application form that candidates would fill out (with or without a resume attachment). This was crucial stage in candidate screening and filtering through thousands of applicants for even single position.
  • Pymetrics platform was partnered with for assessing selected candidates through online games. They were about 4 hours long online engagements centered on assessment of cognition, problem solving, risk taking aptitudes.
  • For video interviews as well, Unilever didn’t have a human assessor, but an ML algorithm.

What prompted Unilever to shift to AI for HR processes? Check all of that and results achieved in the extended version of the TOPCHRO report. Available for download here!





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