Stanlow Oil Refinery workers accept 300% bonus pay increase

Construction workers employed at the Stanlow Oil Refinery in Cheshire have secured a 300% increase in bonus pay.

The 450 employees operating under the National Agreement for the Engineering Construction Industry, work for several different contractors at the site. Following negotiations, their hourly bonus rate was increased from 80p to £2.37.

Workers had been scheduled to undertake strike action last month, however, this was called off when they agreed to the talks which led to the agreement of the new hourly rate.

Trade unions Unite and GMB were both involved in the dispute.

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Sharon Graham, general secretary at Unite, said: “This is an excellent result which was achieved by workers coming together and maintaining a unified front. Unite had been clear from the outset that the employers and the client could fully afford to increase the bonus payment and that proved to be entirely the case.

“This victory at Stanlow further demonstrates how Unite’s relentless commitment to jobs, pay and conditions is delivering genuine financial benefits for workers in engineering construction.”