Drastic Mistakes To Avoid In Exhibition Planning!


Planning an exhibition is nothing short of maintaining a huge, complex machine. It may seem that you have lubricated each of its parts, but sometimes or other, you will find a total jam in one part of the machine. Similarly, whenever you are organizing a grand exhibition, you tend to consider everything from A-Z personally. But remember, slip-offs and mistakes in these exhibitions are normal. And you will be surprised that even after so much planning and considerations, there will be some issues. And these may arrive at the end of the moment and even during the display! So, what we can suggest to you is — try as much as you can to avoid some drastic mistakes that can turn your exhibition entirely upside down and create havoc at the event.

These mistakes can be expensive when planning an exposition! 

If you are organizing an exhibition for the first time, let us tell you that you will have various stalls or sections put up separately in one single venue. Your guests or the customers will come and explore them and purchase the items they are interested in. That is a commercial exhibition. Sometimes you hold this event to flaunt your offerings and services. And there are also some non-profit exhibitions organized wherein the guests arrive to view your accomplishments or anything that you present to interest them. The purposes of all these exhibitions are different, but one thing is similar: there will be lots of people pouring in the event, and you can well imagine that managing them for six to eight hours at a stretch can be so stressful. Apart from it, if you were organizing a snack counter, then this adds to responsibility. There would also be the audio-visual integration and presentation to look after that demands proper attention from your side. While doing all these, do avoid these mistakes to ensure everything happens smoothly during the exhibition:

Not pre-planning the exhibition –

Organizing such a grand exhibition with so many segments to maintain and deal with numerous people together requires proper planning. And if you keep everything for the end of the moment, imagine the blunders you will make! Avoid this mistake – plan the exhibition around three months before the date.

Underestimating event size –

Running a successful exhibition marketing campaign is good. But the lack of space for your audience on the day of the event is not good at all. It can be challenging to accurately gauge the number of attendees attending your event accurately. In general, it is best to over-calculate to make sure you have a place for everyone who wants to join. As per this logic, we suggest you go for a larger venue to avoid any commotion later. Pro-tip – You can even arrange for tickets or passes for the event to get a precise idea of the number of attendees for the exhibition.

An unclear entrance and exit plan –

The best way to design an exhibition layout is to start from the entrance, cover all the stalls in a line, and finally move to the exit. Most of your guests will follow this pattern to move around in the exhibition hall. But of course, except the one who finds some interest to roam around and linger. If you don’t plan the layout as per this rule, a huge crowd may throng at the entrance or exit. It would make handling the crowd challenging, especially if both of these gates are narrow.

Ignoring the professional touch to the exhibition –

A gala event and grand exhibition planning requires professional touches. The sound and video integration system of an exhibition, where you can present everything digitally in a more impressive way, can be handled only by experts. However, if you try to manage everything on your own, fearing expenses, this mistake often steals the charm of your exhibition. You should better not take a risk in this context and contact Craft for exhibition design concept, sound integration system, and event planning for the entire program if possible. Their team of experts looks after such long and short matters at your event and ensures nothing goes haywire in here.

As you can see, there are many common mistakes that viewers make when setting up their own exhibition space. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced observer, you will make mistakes and face challenges. Remember that each obstacle can be overcome, and you can still have a grand show experience.

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