3 Successful Blog Types in 2021+ What We Can Learn From Them


Although the internet became mainstream in the early ’80s, the concept of blogging didn’t roll around until about a decade later in the early ’90s. Now, there are currently over 600 million blogs, serving as a springboard for folks to purchase a product from a business — it’s true 60% of people look for a product after they read about it on a blog. 

Needless to note, the benefits of blogging for businesses are aplenty. In addition to monetizing your passion, you can promote yourself, your products, or your business.

However, there are many different blog topics to choose from, which means it takes a little time to hone in on a niche. To inspire your blogging strategy, we’re highlighting the most common types of blogs in 2021, plus what you can learn from them when launching your own. 

1. Personal Blogs

Think of a personal blog as a means to build your brand. Personal bloggers do this by sharing their knowledge and experiences as a means to promote themselves, a cause, or their business. The goal? Setting yourself up as an authority and building trust with an audience. The most successful of personal blogs do this by focusing on personal stories and experiences. 

What personal bloggers do well: Once positioned as an authority, personal bloggers reap opportunities to generate revenue through the use of affiliate links, meaning sending readers to products or services that relate to their content. 

2. Food Blog

Food blogs come in many forms. Just consider the number of sub-categories you can choose from:

  • Recipes
  • Food and restaurant reviews
  • Food and travel
  • Food photography

Then, there are niche subjects you can explore under each sub-category of food blogs:

  • Meal ideas (breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, etc.)
  • Diet types (Keto, Paleo, Vegan, etc.)
  • Locations (what to eat here, etc.)

What food bloggers do well: Food bloggers wear multiple hats beyond their chef cap. Most importantly, they’re also videographers and use videos as an additional content format to cater to audiences who might be more visual learners.

3. Personal Finance Blogs

Folks are consistently looking to level up their finances, which means there’s always a demand for personal finance blogs. This type of blog serves as a credible source for money-related advice, sometimes through every step of life but also into niche topics. 

What personal finance bloggers do well: Like personal bloggers, personal finance bloggers position themselves as an authority. As such, they build trust in their readership to share vetted products and services like credit cards — and they may even earn affiliate revenue doing it.

Selecting a blog topic is as simple as honing in on your favorite hobby or expertise you could speak to for hours. But before buying a domain name, it’s best to also evaluate whether there’s a demand for your blog idea. To stand out from your competitors, make a point to carve your niche. 

Of course, monetizing a blog is always a nice pay-off for your hard work, but you’ll need a lot of website traffic before you can begin doing that — and the first step to getting there is creating credible content. Thankfully, a monthly blog post planner can help put you on the right path.

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