Welcome Break reports 6.38% mean gender pay gap for 2023

Welcome Break pay gapMotorway service station operator Welcome Break has reported a 6.38% mean gender pay gap for 2023, down from 8.6% in 2022.

This is its lowest reported gap since 2018, which is a result of its efforts on managing pay increases and using a ‘compliance by complexity’ model. Meanwhile, its median gap was 1%. Its lowest-paid pay quartile consisted of 586 male and 698 female employees, while its highest pay quartile was made up of 706 male and 578 females.

Its 2023 mean gender bonus gap was 43.31%, which has reduced by 28.7% from the prior year, and its median gap was 3.38%. A total of 504, or 21.76% of males, and 513, or 18.25% of females received a bonus payment last year.

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John Diviney, chief executive officer at Welcome Break, said: “I am delighted to see that our pay gap has fallen since 2022, which is testament to the commitment we share, as leaders, within our business in improving our position on gender diversity and equal pay. We have made consistent strides in supporting diversity and inclusion across all areas of our business; from introducing key policies to engaging team members on topics such as sexuality and gender identity.

“Gender pay gap regulations mean we must identify our team members in the binary sense of men and women. However, we know that gender identity goes beyond the binary definitions, and we fully support our team members who don’t necessarily identify with either category. Our business is made up of a range of disciplines in the hospitality sector, including hotels, forecourts, retail, catering units and restaurants, and the support centre. We believe that everyone should be able to reach their full potential in our business, where men and women can succeed equally, with the right support and based on individual merit.”