5 Steps to Self-Publishing Your Own Book


5 Steps to Self-Publishing Your Own Book

A few years ago, you could only publish your book through the traditional channels. But that’s the past. You can now self-publish your own book, thanks to the Internet and advancement in technology. Are you having an idea you want to convert into a book or maybe you’ve written one but are wondering what to do next? Well, don’t worry anymore, your worries are about to end in a moment. Below are simple steps that you can take to self-publish your own book. If you think that you are lacking in content .generation to publish a book check out rexoriginals.com which may provide the boost you need to get you started.

  • Know Why You Want to Publish a Book

Before anything else, you need to be clear about why you want to write a book in the first place. Is it because you’re a freelancer or business owner trying to cope with competition through publishing your book? Or because you want to showcase your skills with the intention of becoming a paid coach? You could also be an entrepreneur with an established business and are interested in diversifying your income streams. Whatever the reason, this initial step is essential to determine if you’re serious about it and that you’re writing for the right reasons.

  • Writing the Book

This is one of the hardest steps, especially if you never wrote a book before. It may be challenging to even come up with a book idea in the first place. However, having a plan on how you’re going to write the book will make work easier. You can get yourself a calendar and schedule your daily and weekly goals. You can also come up with an outline that will act as a map to provide direction and keep you on track and at the same time ensure your ideas remain organized. Another effective writing process is developing a writing habit where you may decide to write at a particular time every day until it becomes a habit. Some people like writing in coffee shops and find the atmosphere helps with the writing process. I prefer writing in my home office with a nice cup of espresso, freshly made with my own AnthonysEspresso.com machine and choice of bean. 🙂

  • Choosing Your Book Title

It’s very important to decide on your book title after writing the book and not before. Reason being that choosing the title up front can make you write yourself into a corner since you’ll be constantly trying to align what you’re writing to your chosen title, and you may hardly write what needs to be written. Your draft will guide you on the perfect title, but you should keep it as simple and clear as possible. You can also ask your peers, family, and professionals what they think about your title.

  • Designing Your Book Cover

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover” a thousand and one times, right? Well, the bitter truth is that people will always judge your book by its cover whether knowingly or unknowingly. It’s the first thing they’ll see and instantly determine whether they’d want to read it or not. This means that you should dedicate enough time to ensure you design a high-quality, compelling cover. The cover should communicate the kind of content your book offers in a way that can quickly capture your readers’ attention. You can use a book cover creator to design your preferred professional book cover, especially if you don’t have the necessary graphic design knowledge and experience.

  • Feedback, Editing, and Formatting

Feedback is very vital to improving your writing. You can give your book to different people to go through and provide their views or you can also use any of the formatting software available as you make the necessary changes. DIY formatting can be very possible using the multiple resources available online. For an enhanced experience, you can consider a helping hand from a professional at a fee. After formatting your book, it’ll be ready for self-publishing.


As you plan to self-publish your book, ensure to have a clear reason why you want to write the book as this will be effective for your success. You may find yourself call in those office movers to start your own business after you self publish. 😉 These are just but some of the most important steps that you can follow when self-publishing your book. There are other steps also worth considering including printing, pricing, launching, branding, and distribution of your book. You can refer to other relevant blogs to learn more about these steps. All the best!

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