The Business Benefits of a Managed Print Services


Over the past few years, managed print services have gained momentum. Rather than simply leasing printers, MPS vendors also offer network setup, software provision, and print optimization across your company.

Here are a few business benefits of MPS.

Reducing your Environmental Footprint

Today, customers are more eco-conscious. They choose to purchase sustainable brands. According to research studies, two-thirds of U.S. customers prefer eco-friendly brands. Moreover, over 70% of them would pay approximately 35% more for sustainable brands.

With the rise of cloud computing, creating a green workplace is easier than ever. You can now make a shift to check printing online, send client reports via email, and store your documents in cloud data storage platforms.

Managed print services can help you go green. They optimize your printer needs and keep your hardware up to date. By reducing the number of printers, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. 

MPS vendors can also minimize print waste by combining print management, employee education, and user access. For example, sophisticated printing software solutions now allow both employees and managers to see how much they are printing. That way, you can take action to reduce print waste. 

Also, you will not need to print backup copies of your documents until you need them. MPS solutions come with advanced cloud options, meaning you can back up your data in the cloud and access your print history whenever needed.

Enhanced Data Security

Cybersecurity risks are growing at a staggering rate. 

Now, you are probably familiar with the most common data security threats, such as phishing attacks or malware. They are often associated with PCs and wearable technologies. 

However, the IoT landscape extends beyond this. Almost any device and channel can serve as an entry point for a savvy hacker. And, printers are one of your weakest links. 

According to research studies, 59% of organizations suffered a print-related data loss. Cybercriminals can infect your printers and steal your company’s data in multiple ways, including cryptojacking, printer tampering, and email hacking.

An MPS provider performs a detailed business assessment and adapts printing technology to your needs. They analyze your data security practices and create access management that meets your needs. For example, it could include a printer queue, individual user accounts, printer logins for employees, etc. Most importantly, you can monitor employee activity and address any data security threats faster.

Optimized Printing Efforts

An MPS provider performs detailed assessment and offers printing tools that meet the needs of your organization. Most importantly, they will tailor printing hardware and software solutions to the specific requirements of each department. 

For example, marketing and graphic design departments produce high-quality and high-volume print materials, such as banners, flyers, or posters. Therefore, they will receive advanced printing solutions to perform their jobs more efficiently. 

An MPS vendor replaces all underperforming printing technologies, helping you reduce costs and increase the overall workplace performance. Most importantly, by optimizing your printing needs, you will minimize employee frustrations and boost their satisfaction. 

Reducing Costs

When compared with the traditional printer lease, managed printed services increase your monthly expenses. However, they add a lot more value to your business. 

Always keep in mind that MPS vendors do not sell printing hardware only. They also provide your business with advanced technologies, such as printing software, network management, printer supplier, regular network assessment, ongoing hardware/software optimization and maintenance, and so forth. 

When purchasing company printing hardware, you need to consider a wide range of expenses. They include the usage of paper and toner, regular maintenance, parts and repair, and outdated hardware replacement. You will also need to hire an in-house IT professional or hire a third-party agency to help you. 

That is where MPS helps. It reduces your expenses by optimizing your printer network, ensuring that hardware and software solutions meet each department’s needs. That way, you will avoid paying for hardware you do not need or waste money to lost productivity. 

Most importantly, you can enhance employee performance and, therefore, boost your bottom line. With the help of an MPS provider, you will replace your bulky, outdated printing hardware with state-of-the-art devices.

Over to You

Managed printing service providers benefit your business on multiple levels. It helps you improve employee agility, reduce expenses, and make your business environmentally friendly.

Sure, not all MPS vendors are the same. Choose reliable local providers who can assess your business needs and provide you with the right printing solutions.

I hope these insights will help you!

Eve Anderson is a marketing specialist turned blogger. Interested in sports and exciting travel destinations. Love to share content that can inform people.

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