James Walker Devol engineers accept 12.5% pay rise

James Walker Devol payWorkers employed at the James Walker Devol plant based in Gourock, Scotland, have accepted a 12.5% pay rise.

Around 100 engineers, who are responsible for manufacturing components for the construction, oil, gas and railway sectors around the globe, are set to receive the increase, which equates to a £2,500 annual pay uplift.

Further agreed improvements to the jobs, pay and conditions of the employees include a 5% allowance increase and enhanced holiday working rates.

Last November, 73.5% of the workforce in a 74% turnout voted to support trade union recognition, and for Unite to represent them in negotiations over jobs, pay and conditions.

Sharon Graham, general secretary at Unite, said: “The Devol workforce overwhelmingly backed this pay deal negotiated by Unite. It will mean an increase in pay of £2,500 this year, which is significant in these times. This is exactly why the workers voted to have trade union recognition. That has paid off at Devol with this significant wage increase. Unite looks forward to directly improving their jobs, terms and conditions in negotiation with the plant’s management.”

Pat McIlvogue, industrial officer at Unite, added: “Last year the James Walker Devol workforce had no trade union formally representing them in pay negotiations with the company. Fast forward eight months, and now around 100 members have secured a pay deal worth up to 12.5%, which is a significant boost to their pay packets. The deal importantly highlights the benefits of a workplace with trade union recognition.

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“Our members at James Walker Devol are highly skilled workers making products for markets around the globe. By securing recognition for this group, Unite will be able to better ensure that our members are paid fairly and are properly treated by management.”

James Walker Devol has been contacted for comment prior to publication.