Improving Security During the COVID-19 Crisis: 5 Things You Need to Know


It’s no secret that small companies have seen massive changes due to the coronavirus. Many continue to lose business as they stay closed, while others prepare to gear up for when their state decides to reopen. In any case, we can all agree that no one was ready for this virus – especially from a cybersecurity standpoint.

More than one-third of executives report that they’ve seen cyberthreats increase now that their employees work from home. Thats a startling statistic for many business owners who have made the switch. So, what are the next steps?

Here’s what to do if you want to safeguard your company.

1. Work to Educate Employees

Over the past few months, businesses small and large made the transition to remote work. As a result, many organizations have faced some substantial issues. If a company has never asked employees to work from home until now, there’s bound to be confusion. Unfortunately, hackers know how to capitalize on this frustration and worry. They know there’s a possibility someone could click on the wrong link.

That’s why it’s crucial to educate your workers. You can put together a document that outlines the various scams they’ll encounter, like phishing. Feel free to include quizzes so they can put their expertise to the test. Once everyone knows how to identify a potential cybersecurity attack, there’s a lesser chance they’ll open a risky attachment.

2. Keep Updated on News

At the moment, it seems as though numbers change every day. As researchers and experts learn more about the coronavirus, they release new information. It’s essential to stay updated when it comes to this data. This way, you can accurately prepare for your next steps as a business. You can reference different COVID-19 resources as a way to say informed. This knowledge can help your employees, too.

You should also monitor reports that cover cybersecurity specifically. When you feel uncertain about how to solve a problem, it’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed. If you manage those fears with realistic coverage, you can make the best decisions for you and your company. An actionable plan that tackles any cybersecurity issues can alleviate your anxiety.

3. Install Current Antivirus Software

It’s crucial to make sure you install the most up-to-date antivirus software. Do you provide your employees with remote work technology? If so, those devices should already have security features like firewalls and VPNs. You can touch base with your IT department to ensure every laptop includes the correct programs. You should also encourage your employees to install patches as they’re available.

You and your employees have access to secure internet when you’re at the office. While you can’t access that network at home, it’s imperative to use your home’s private Wi-Fi while you’re on the job. You may not be able to work at a coffee shop anyway, but it doesn’t hurt to remind employees that public Wi-Fi isn’t safe for confidential work.

4. Use Passwords and Authentications

If it’s not possible to install antivirus software on your employees’ devices, here’s a helpful tip. Each worker should create passwords that align with best practices – they should include a random mix of letters and numbers. Urge your employees to update them if they haven’t within the past few months. They can use a password manager to keep track of each one. This step can deter hackers.

Additionally, it’s smart to use two-step authentications whenever they’re available. If your business uses a specific platform for email purposes, ask your workers to set up this identification process. Then, if a hacker does retrieve their passwords, there’s an extra barrier between them and the network.

5. Always Have a Backup

You should always encourage your employees to back up their work on a secure server. Make sure each worker knows how to access the drive, as well as file and save their work. You can also try a cloud-based platform, like Dropbox or Google Drive. These services provide a simple way for your employees to share projects. This way, they don’t have to attach sensitive files to their email accounts.

If someone’s computer is hijacked or compromised, you’ll know their files are safe.

Use These Tips to Protect Your Company

The current crisis has elevated cybersecurity attacks, so it’s essential to keep your business safe. Use these tips to ensure you and your employees can navigate the next few months with ease.

Author Bio:


Oscar Collins is the managing editor at Modded. He writes about cars, fitness, the outdoors and more. Follow @TModded on Twitter for more articles from the Modded team.

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