How to Fit Sleep into a Busy Schedule


How to Fit Sleep into a Busy Schedule

Sleep is necessary for a healthy life, but all too often meetings, chores and other responsibilities get in the way of proper rest. You could get all the right furniture, heavy blankets and comfy pillows you’ve been dreaming of, but you don’t have the time to reap their benefits. While you may not be able to cross things off your schedule, you can improve the sleep that you do get. Here are five tips on finding ways to fit the luxury of a good night’s sleep into a busy schedule.

Eat smarter meals

One of the most commonly reported sleep issues in adults are upset stomach and nausea. Surprisingly, this could be attributed to the size of your dinner. Try cutting back on your evening meal, and instead eat a larger lunch. This should boost your energy throughout the day and keep your sleep in check. When deciding what to eat, try to consistently plan nutritious meals that include melatonin-based foods. Tree nuts, oats, bananas, and cucumbers can all help you fall asleep much faster, lengthening the amount of time you spend asleep without cutting into your schedule.

De-stress at night

Ever lie awake at night stressing about everything you have to do tomorrow? These anxious thoughts don’t just make it harder to fall asleep, they can also lower your overall sleep quality. Make sure you clear your head every night so you waste as little time as possible falling asleep. Try writing a to-do list for tomorrow, or journaling about your worries. These actions should help clear your head and allow you to unwind enough for sleep.

Prioritize wellness

Those who don’t get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night are at a much higher risk of heart disease, obesity and stroke. This means that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you might have to take on less, or avoid late-night plans. Other wellness-related lifestyle choices, like exercise and healthy eating can also improve your sleep and overall health.

Keep it consistent

Developing a pattern around a consistent bedtime and wake up alarm provides a routine that your body can depend on. A schedule makes it much easier to fall asleep quickly and wake up feeling clear-headed and refreshed. It might take a few days to fall into a rhythm but be patient! Also, keep in mind that staying up late or waking up early just once could alter your sleep schedule for the rest of the week.

Learn to love naps

The power of a quick nap shouldn’t be underestimated. Naps have been found to boost mood, energy and productivity during the day, and can help make up some lost ZZZ’s from the night before. Just be sure to keep it between 10-30 minutes, and never within four hours of bedtime, otherwise you could disrupt your sleep at night.


Making the effort to get a better night’s sleep can do wonders for your health and overall sense of wellbeing. Whether it’s taking time out of your other activities, or making your sleep more efficient, there are many ways to ensure you’re getting healthy sleep.

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