How to Manage Your Money in Financial Crisis Mode


Ah, life. It really can get you down when you least expect it. And what’s worse, you may not have rainy day savings to help through a major life crisis when you need it. The fact of the matter is that emergencies and accidents happen. You could lose your job, be involved in a life-threatening accident, fall severely ill or survive a natural disaster, only to be left with the aftermath. So how do you survive when your finances are plunged into crisis mode? This blog should help you get a grip on things…

5 Tips on Surviving Financial Crisis Mode 

Believe it or not, some businesses are plunged into financial crisis mode and are never really able to get out of it. Why? Because their monthly expenses add up to more than their income each month – it’s that simple. This results in a business having to float itself each month, carrying over debt from one month to the next. This is where businesses should turn to to help manage their finances.  

Here’s how to manage your own personal finances when you’re in a financial bind: 

1. Sit Down and Evaluate 

Your first and most important step is to take the time to assess what caused your financial crisis. Before you can determine the best path to resolve the crisis, you’ll need to understand how you got there in the first place. In short, your financial plan-of-action needs to address the underlying root cause of all your financial woes. This way, you can avoid this same issue in the future. 

2. Prioritize The Most Important Expenses

It’s wise to keep in mind that your expenses differ in importance from one to another. Would you sacrifice a roof over your head and food on the table over your cable bill or gym membership? We think not. Yes, these expenses differ greatly- rent and food is generally the largest expense out of any household. But it may be time to look at the expenses you can trim and those you need to prioritize in order to save a little more money. 

3. Keep a Close Eye on Spending

The stress of a financial crisis is not to be underestimated. It can cause a huge strain between partners and families. In this instance, you may not be thinking as clearly as you usually do. Be sure to keep a close eye on your spending during this time. And remember, it’s ok to ask for help when it comes to managing bill payments and daily spending. You may even want to automate payments for your most important bills each month, so there’s no hesitation in paying them.  

4. Carefully Negotiate With Lenders

Borrowing money when you’re already in a financial bind? No, this is not the type of ”lending” we’re referring to. If you’re having issues meeting your mortgage payments, medical cover or credit card repayments, have a chat with your lenders. It’s in their best interest to help you meet your repayments each month. This means they could look at lowering interest rates or extending your re-payment terms to take the load off a little. 

5. Swallow Your Pride and Ask For Help 

Finally, rather than taking out an expensive loan with a high interest rate, it may be time to turn to family or friends for a little help. Sure, nobody likes to ask for money, but it’s always a better option than making your financial situation worse! Alternatively, if you have money tucked away into an investment or retirement fund, you could draw from these sources in times of crisis. 

Learn More About Managing Your Finances

At some point or other, most people have experienced crisis mode when it comes to finances. It doesn’t mean your life is over but is perhaps a lesson in learning how to manage your finances a little better…

Here are more effective personal finance tips to help change your life! 


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