4 Ways to Smooth Out the Process of Distributing Your Goods to Retailers


Distribution is a huge part of any business that deals in physical goods. People usually refer to it as a chain using multiple links. These links have to sync with one another to provide the best service. Although this process can seem overly complex, there are ways you as a business owner or manager can smooth it out or simplify it.

Add Transparency

Transparency in a business isn’t just something that partners or vendors like to see for their own peace of mind. It is a good way to build trust, but it can also help you save money and hassles. It’s a sad fact that mistakes, waste, or even some cases of fraud could happen in the distribution process. By increasing your transparency using the right electronic systems, you can reconcile the physical numbers you should be shipping with the digital data the software shows to you.

Standardize the Processes

In some cases, it might be impossible for you to standardize every little thing about your distribution chain. However, making each link as uniform as possible can help you save time, effort, and money in the long run. It is a good idea to engage in something like NetSuite consulting for wholesale distribution. Using a service like this can streamline multiple pieces of how you distribute your goods to retailers across a wide area. Tracking inventory, adding more visibility, and providing portals for retailers or vendors to use are just a few of the ways that making the chain standard under one umbrella could help you.

Revise the Overall Strategy

Your distribution strategy is part of the basic framework of supplier management as a whole. When you look for tweaks in this part of the process, keep your eyes on things such as production facilities, warehouses, and even customer clusters. If you identify problems with something like storing goods ready for shipment, new training for warehouse teams can eliminate problems here. A production supervisor could look for ways to automate or otherwise streamline parts of that process to increase the number of units you can create.

Establish Routines

Some of your retailers may be unpredictable. Perhaps you have a few customers who never seem to order with any regularity. In many cases, every order they place could be urgent, and you’ll want to make sure you can meet the demand. You might be able to mitigate this issue by encouraging retailers to make monthly forecasts of their needs. You can analyze this data to plan for big orders.

The logistics of a smooth supply chain aren’t just important for your own company. The retailers ordering from you deal with complex logistics related to getting orders on time and in a condition worthy of selling to consumers. By eliminating cracks or errors in your own chain, you could increase customer loyalty and your own dependability ratings. In addition to the tips above, don’t forget to take a look at your returns process. A functional way to return problematic goods easily means that you can resupply your retailers with minimal fuss.

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