How to Enjoy the Summer Weather (Even if You’re Cooped in an Office)


It’s now July, which means that summer is in full swing (in the Northern Hemisphere at least). The place where I live is currently in a heat wave, which is driving many people crazy.

Personally, I love the hot summer days much more than the cold days of winter, even if that means dealing with crazy hot spells. I get cold really easily, so having the heat is a comfort.

If you’re like me, and you’re one of those people who adore the hot summer weather, you probably want to experience it as much as possible, which can be difficult when you’re cooped up in an office all day. To help ease your suffering, here are a few ways I like to enjoy the summer weather.

Keep a Plant On Your Desk

Part of the beauty of summer is the number of plants and flowers in bloom. Trees are decorated with leaves, soft breezes rustle blooming bushes. And you can capture some of this beauty by keeping a plant on your desk.

If you’re near a window that gets a lot of sun during the day then a small succulent is a great option, since they thrive on sunlight, and don’t mind getting a bit dry if you forget to water them.

If your office doesn’t get a lot of sunlight (and you don’t have much of a green thumb) then golden pothos will be an easy plant to take care of, since they’re very low maintenance. Snake plants, spider plants, and philodendrons are also great options!

Plants are also a great way to lower stress levels and clean the air, so keeping a plant will help your productivity levels!

Take Walks or Go Outside During Lunch

Utilizing your lunch breaks to get some time outside is a great way to take advantage of the summer weather.

A nice way to get some exercise and fresh air is to go for a walk during your lunch break. You can even pack a picnic lunch and eat outside, if the weather permits it.

If the building that you work in has a roof top terrace or something similar, then you might enjoy eating lunch up there. It’ll probably have an amazing view.

Keep Windows Open

One of my favorite things about summer are the warm breezes that drift through the air, carrying along the tranquility of the season.

When I’m inside I love to have the windows open, so that I can still feel that warm breeze. Plus, it’s a great way to air out the room I work in.

Look Outside

Even if you can’t go outside, it’s still fun to look outside.

Looking outside is a great way to exercise your eyes and gives your mind a chance to relax and clear itself.

If you’re ever stuck on a problem, take a walk to a window and spend a couple of minutes relaxing. It’ll help you refocus enough to find the solution to your problem. Just don’t think about your stresses while you look out the window, as that will keep your mind running and won’t allow it to perform what could almost be called a reboot.

Relax, stop thinking, and enjoy the view.

Get Some Sun

When the clouds go away and the sun shines down it’s a great chance to get some vitamin D and warmth.

I live in a place that tends to get cloudy during the fall, winter, and spring, so the season with the most sunshine is summer!

Whenever I feel a bit stressed, I like to sit in the sunlight for a few moments. Not long enough to overheat, but just long enough to let myself relax and live in the moment, even if those feelings are fleeting.

Schedule Some Vacation Time

Scheduling some vacation time is a great way to get a few days off to enjoy as much of the weather as you want.

Here are some activities your can do during your vacation:

  1. Visit a beach or pool
  2. Go on a hike
  3. Go walking or cycling
  4. Sunbathe
  5. Work on art or a craft
  6. Read a book

Walk or Cycle to Work

There are few downsides to walking or cycling to work, and many positive aspects! It’s good for the environment, it provides exercise, and you get to enjoy some fresh air while doing so.

I suggest leaving your work shoes under your desk and wearing a pair of running shoes while walking or cycling.

When you get to work you can put on your work shoes and leave your running shoes under your desk, and when you leave work to go home you can switch again. This prevents getting blisters and sore feet from walking around in nice dress shoes.

Summer is a great season to get some exercise and fresh air, so I hope you take the time to try at least one of the things on this list. It may improve your mood and productivity, so why not give it a go?


  1. I often go outside during lunch. It is always a much needed break and warms me up from the air in the office.

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    My Sight to Life says:

    Unlike you I am not that huge fan of summers but I really wanna try your ways the next summer. Please do check my blog too. I am new and have started to write small poems on my daily life.

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