Ways to Boost Productivity by Creating the Perfect Home Office


Research by Workopolis found that 90 percent of people believe that telecommuting actually makes them more productive. In fact, nearly one in four American workers, whether they are distant employees or run their own small business, are realizing the advantages of having an office at home. Working from home can be the best thing. You have the ability to work from the comfort of your house while also saving a lot of money that would have otherwise been used to commute. But before you convert your home for use as an office, there are some necessary adjustments that have to be done in order to ensure your overall health and productivity.

Prioritize Comfort

If you’re going to be sitting in your home office for several hours a day, you need to make sure that you are taking good care of yourself by sitting comfortably. It can be very difficult to be productive if you are constantly straining to see your computer screen or stretching your aching back. You can buy a suitable office chair and make sure you are sitting in an ergonomically correct posture.

Also, you can raise your laptop to eye level if you have to. Working from your home office gives you the added benefit of being able to make adjustments in order to meet your comfort needs. If you usually find it hard to sit and experience neck and back tension, incorporating a standing station may come in handy. Taking walks every now and then may also help since you’re able to break the monotony of sitting behind a desk for long periods.

Control the temperature

Working in an office that is too hot or cold can easily get you distracted and so it’s important that you take steps to make your office comfortable temperature-wise. Although you may not have full control over the precise room temperature, there are other measures you can take. Use a ventless fireplace to warm up the office if it’s chilly and keep a sweater or blanket hanging on your seat for extra comfort. If the office space becomes hot, keep a fan on your desk and drink plenty of cool water.

Separate your office

Everyone has different preferences when it comes to working from home. Some people work best at their kitchen table, some prefer their bedroom, and some set up a workstation in their living room. However, the home space you use as an office needs to be differentiated from the space where you do your daily domestic activities. Separation will encourage your brain to adjust to “work” mode when you begin working, and equally important, to adjust back to the domestic environment.

If you’re lucky enough to have a whole room that can be dedicated to office work alone, then you can be able to stay organized and it will save you the hassle of cleaning up every single day. Once you’ve designated an area of your home as an office space, stick with it. The longer you use the same workspace, the more you’ll be able to easily achieve productivity when you need to.

A home office should be a place where you enjoy working every day. Since you have more control and flexibility over your own space than you would in an office building, take advantage by creating a home office that suits you and encourages productivity.

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