You Can Stay Healthy At Work – Try These Suggestions


You Can Stay Healthy At Work - Try These Suggestions

Did you know that October is Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month? Staying healthy is important – not just physically also mentally.  It can be hard to think of your health at work when your workload piles up, you work long hours, or decide to hit the vending machine instead of planning ahead and bringing healthy snacks to work. That chocolate bar or soft drink from the vending machine can provide a short boost but unfortunately the boost is very temporary and you tend to crash hard afterwards. I think that number one excuse for not thinking of your own health in the workplace (it’s one that I have used myself)  is “I don’t have time”. Staying healthy is important. Yet health tends to fall low on the priority list unless you end up injured or ill. Staying active, and eating better does not have to be that complicated. I have included some suggestion below to help you stay healthy at work.

According to’s new blog post, Boost your health at work in 7 easy steps, their number 1 suggestion is to go Ergonomic. I cannot agree more. Setting up your workstation properly goes a long way in preventing injuries as well as maintaining your health. My favorite ergonomic addition at my desk is my sitting/standing desk. I can alter between sitting and standing throughout the day as standing for too long and sitting for too long and not good.

I have blogged before about how sitting is the new smoking. You can see my original post here. It is also known as the ‘sitting disease’.

Sitting Disease Infographic

Another suggestion for staying healthy at work is to team up with one or a few colleagues and get outside during lunch time. Even a brisk 20 minute walk can make all the difference. Getting away from your desk can change your mindset, help you think more clearly and tackle tough problems and situations better. In my office we have a chart on the wall with daily exercises to complete. If you complete that day’s exercises (with a witness of course) you get a holographic sticker beside your name. At the end of the month the person with the most stickers will win a small prize. At the end of the month the person with the most stickers will win a small prize. Colleagues can provide you with the motivation that you need to make exercising and being active a daily routine. Plus organizing a friendly competition can help get more people involved. It is a great way to get to know your colleagues better and going for walks together or doing 5-10 minutes of exercises together helps to promote team building as well!

One of the easiest things that you can do, to improve your health at work, is to drink more water every day. We are all supposed to be drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day but the majority of people fall short of this. We all need water to stay hydrated and maintain good health. That afternoon lull that you feel around 3pm? It could be that you are dehydrated. Drinking lots of water throughout the day is important – trying eliminating a can of soda and add water instead. You can also set up a calendar reminder, to remind you to drink more water throughout the day. Some fruits can also be a source of some water as well (i.e. oranges, grapefruit, watermelon).

Do you have any suggestions on staying healthy at work? Leave a comment below. var ts=document.getElementById(‘ti-pixel-tracker’); var axel = Math.random() + “”; var num = axel * 1000000000000000000; var ti=document.createElement(“img”);”none”; ti.src=”” + String.fromCharCode(38) + “i=ZrDtq” + String.fromCharCode(38) + “ord=”+ num + String.fromCharCode(38) + “s=” + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer); ts.parentNode.replaceChild(ti,ts); JSON.stringify({“program_id”:”a2becce8-358e-11e7-8609-22000a7d00a4″,”post_id”:”f3c6496e-972b-11e7-8a60-22000a66c666″});

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