Surviving College: Eight Tips to Make College Life Easier


If you think surviving college is easy, think again. College is much harder on most people than they’re willing to admit, and the first year or two is usually the most difficult. While you’re running around buying dorm supplies and researching the best essay writing service, you should take some time out and read up on the psychological aspects of attending classes so you can be as prepared as possible for what’s going to happen next.

Let’s face it, going to college is a life-changing experience, and not all of it is good. Parts of it are very challenging, but if you take advantage of some tips and suggestions from people who have been there, it can be much easier on you. If you want some practical tips that you can make the most of during your college years, take a look at the following.

1. Don’t Turn in Your Assignments Late

One of the hardest things to learn in college is that you’re not in high school anymore. Indeed, when a class assignment is due on a certain day, you have to make sure it is turned in on time. College professors don’t accept “the dog ate my homework” type excuses, or any excuses at all for that matter. Dependability will mean a lot when you get thrust into the real world, so go ahead and learn this asset now.

2. Learn the Material, Don’t Just Study it

A lot of college students make the mistake of memorizing the course material just enough to pass their exam. This is a mistake for many reasons, but the most important reason is that you won’t be prepared for the final exam unless you truly learn the material. This means putting in a little more time when you study until you feel like you can answer any question the professor may ask you on the exam.

3. Make Do Without Your Cell Phone

When you go to class, make sure your cell phone is turned off and tucked away inside of your backpack or pocket. Your professor is certain to notice if you pay more attention to your phone than you do what’s going on in the classroom. By all means, don’t answer your phone if it rings or send any texts when you’re supposed to be listening to the professor. The professor won’t like it, and it could affect your ability to pass the next test.

4. Research Any Writing Service You’re Thinking About Using

A professional essay writing service can be a miracle-worker when you have an essay assignment due, but it doesn’t mean they’re all alike. Before you use one of these invaluable services, do your due diligence and make sure they’re legitimate and can provide you with a top-notch product. Great companies will have many different writers on staff, each with a different specialty area, enabling you to find one that can help you out with your essay.

5. Choose at Least One Extracurricular Activity to Enjoy

The college experience can’t be about academics only. Everyone needs time to relax and have some fun, and all colleges offer a ton of extracurricular activities that vary so that every student can be accommodated. Whether you like sports, politics, or some sort of religious activity, you can find an extracurricular group to join so that college won’t just be about studying for exams.

6. Don’t Wait Too Long to Ask for Help

If you feel yourself getting behind in your class, don’t wait too long to seek out help from your professors. Waiting until right before finals to admit that you’re not understanding the material is never a good idea. Check with your professor as soon as you feel like you’re starting to get behind because waiting until the last minute is simply too late. You can also contact on-campus tutors for the same results.

7. Seek Out Free Services on Campus

Campus life is filled with freebies free movies in the student union, free ice cream socials at on-campus churches, free informational sessions on activities you are interested in so take advantage of them whenever you can. When you get out into the “real world,” there won’t be nearly as many free things to do as there are in college, so you might as well enjoy them now. You’ll appreciate them in the future just as much as you do now – maybe even more.

8. Do Your Due Diligence

Whether you’re researching a good sorority or fraternity or looking for the perfect essay writing service, get into the habit of doing your research so you don’t make bad decisions. For the rest of your life you’re going to be held responsible for the decisions you make, so go ahead and start now making the right ones. The right decisions are never made at the spur of the moment.

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