
Employers Require an Acceptable Motor Vehicle Record

05/29/2023 Written by: Tara Crisp

Employers and insurance carriers often require an acceptable Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) for various reasons related to job requirements, liability and insurance purposes, regulatory compliance, company image, and risk mitigation.

  • Job Requirements: Certain positions involve driving company vehicles or require driving as part of the job. Employers want to ensure that employees have a clean driving history and possess the necessary skills to operate vehicles safely.
  • Liability and Insurance Purposes: Employers have a duty to protect the safety of employees, customers, and the public. By reviewing an applicant's MVR, they can assess driving behavior, accident history, and traffic violations to determine risk profiles and make informed decisions regarding insurance coverage and liability concerns.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Industries like transportation, delivery services, or sales must comply with specific driver qualification and safety regulations. Conducting MVR checks helps ensure compliance and maintain a safe working environment.
  • Company Image and Reputation: Employees represent a company's brand, especially when driving company vehicles or interacting with clients on the road. A poor driving record can negatively impact the company's image, so employers seek candidates with clean MVRs to uphold a positive reputation.
  • Risk Mitigation: Employers aim to reduce the risk of accidents, property damage, or injuries caused by negligent driving. Assessing MVRs helps make informed decisions to minimize potential risks associated with hiring individuals with a history of unsafe driving.

It's important to note that specific MVR requirements can vary among employers, job positions, and applicable laws. Guidelines may vary in terms of traffic violations, accidents, or other driving-related incidents. However, motor vehicle record checks are an essential practice that both employers and employees should be aware of and comply with. For more information or additional safety resources, contact the AssuredPartners Energy team.

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