Five ways to get the pay rise you deserve


Think you deserve a pay rise but don’t know how to ask for one? Then you need this latest guide from financial solutions provider NetCredit. It outlines five work scenarios where you’re completely justified in asking for a raise and what to do and say to ensure you get it.

Scenario one: More responsibility

Taking on – and smashing – extra responsibilities is the perfect justification for starting a conversation about bumping up your annual salary.

But be patient. Don’t ask for a raise two weeks into your expanded role. Instead, you need to prove that you’re worth more before you ask for more. 

Career coach Joan Lloyd advises waiting around six months before bringing up the idea of a raise. 

Scenario two: Fair pay for fair work

If you feel like you’re being underpaid, then you need to prove that you’re being underpaid. 

Spend a few weeks researching the average salary for your position/duties. Sites like and are great places to start. They’ll help you enter pay negotiations with a realistic and achievable figure in mind.

Scenario three: You’ve been promoted

All promotions equal a pay rise, right? Wrong. In fact, nearly 40% of promoted workers don’t receive an automatic salary hike. 

So don’t assume your salary will increase when your manager starts talking about a step up the career ladder. 

Ask them to clearly outline the salary structure, including any benefits or add-ons. And if an immediate pay bump isn’t part of the package, agree on a timeline and set of targets that can reopen pay negotiations.

Scenario four: It’s that time of year

The annual performance review is the ideal time to talk about a raise.

If you want your manager to take the pay rise request seriously, back it up with a record of all your achievements over the past 12 months.

You need to exceed expectations. Doing just enough or more than just enough won’t be enough to justify a pay bump. In this case, use the review to ask your manager what you need to do in the following year to earn that raise.

Scenario: Closing the gender pay gap

The gender pay gap is real. But it’s also complicated.

Once again, data is your best friend. Before discussing any gender pay gaps, ensure you have information proving that you have the same level of experience, knowledge, and workloads as those earning more than you.

What to do if your boss says no…

If your request is rejected, make sure you…

  • Thank your employer for considering the matter 
  • Set up an action plan for future discussions 
  • Ask about bonuses, incentives, or benefits
  • Ask for constructive feedback
  • Consider a new role at another company

And whatever you do, don’t do the following…

  • Take it personally! 
  • Quit out of frustration
  • Slack off and stop producing your best work
  • Complain about it to everyone else. Not a good luck

You deserve what you’re worth. Now go out there and get it.

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