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A Guide to Creating Unique Employee Benefits

Unique Employee Benefits

Unique Employee Benefits May Be the Key To Employee Happiness and Retention

If you’re looking to stand out in today’s competitive job market, then it is imperative that your benefits package be attractive. The good news? There are many ways for an employer with little or no experience to do this!

Employers need to take a different approach and look at their employees’ wants, not just what is happening now. Using Specialty Accounts to create unique employee benefits programs will show how the company cares about its people! These impactful accounts allow employers to design all aspects of the plan, such as funding sources and eligibility requirements.

BRI’s Vice President of Strategy, Becky Seefedlt, shared her thoughts with BenefitsPro on how employers can begin to think outside the box and tailor their offerings by looking at employees’ wants and needs for benefits.