SL webinar

Senior Living Complimentary Summer Webinars

06/01/2021 Written by: Cathy Knopf

The 2021 monthly webinars focus on best practice approaches, regulatory updates, operational and risk management techniques to help senior living communities better care for their residents and staff while protecting their business. We invite you to join our specialists at these upcoming exclusive webinars:

Mitigating Adverse Events

Thursday, June 10, 2021, 1pm EST

Senior Living Healthcare Communities continue to experience adverse events that can impact the quality of life of a resident which in turn may lead to high level regulatory citations, large insurance claims and costly litigation.

Adverse Event Interventions will discuss intervention practices following adverse events such as fall with significant injury, elopement, abuse/neglect, etc. to minimize litigation and regulatory citations. This program has been submitted to NAB/NCERS for approval for Continuing Education hours.

Registration link:

This Resident Exceeds Our Limits. What Do We Do Now? 

Thursday, July 8, 2021, 1pm EST

Building and maintaining resident census has always been a focal point for senior living healthcare communities. The pandemic has dipped census to all-time lows, with senior living healthcare communities more willing to accept types of residents that would not consider admitting before. But what ramifications could this bring to the senior living healthcare community.

This Resident Exceeds Our Limits. What Do We Do Now? will discuss best risk management strategies for pre-admission screening process and discharging residents which exceed the senior living healthcare community’s level of care. This program has been submitted to NAB/NCERS for approval for Continuing Education hours.

Registration link:

Free from Unnecessary Psychotropic Medications

Thursday, August 12, 2021, 1pm EST

Senior Living Healthcare Communities continue to receive regulatory citations for failing to implement gradual dose reductions and non-pharmacological interventions, unless contraindicated, prior to initiating or instead of continuing psychotropic medication. State Survey Agencies are also citing facilities for failing to ensure as needed orders for a psychotropic medication are only used when the medication is necessary, and use is limited.

Free from Unnecessary Psychotropic Medications will discuss federal regulations related to psychotropic medication usage and the assessment process for determining medication necessity, monitoring and care planning needs and requirements for gradual dose reductions. This program has been submitted to NAB/NCERS for approval for Continuing Education hours.

Registration link:

8 Tips for Implementing Arbitration Strategies in Senior Living
Senior Living05/31/2024

Arbitration is a recognized approach to conflict resolution in senior living. This method is not only beneficial for resolving disputes efficiently but also plays a vital role in maintaining a stable...

Radiant Memories - National Skilled Nursing Care Week 2024
Senior Living05/06/2024

This year's National Skilled Nursing Care Week (NSNCW), themed "Radiant Memories," is being observed from May 12 to 18, 2024, to honor the essential role skilled nursing care centers play in...

Senior Living Risk Management
The Impact of Healthcare Labor Shortages on Senior Living Facilities: Challenges and Strategies for Safe and Sustainable Care
Senior Living04/05/2024

The healthcare industry is navigating turbulent waters due to a significant labor shortage. Senior living facilities, a critical component of healthcare for the aging population, are particularly...