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The 12 best business podcasts and why to tune in

October 2, 2023 - 21 min read

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What are business podcasts?

Why are business podcasts good to listen to?

The 12 best business podcasts

Start listening and learning

Everyone in the workforce has at least one thing in common: they have a lot to learn. 

No matter what industry you’re in, you’re constantly adapting to meet changing consumer needs and market trends. You also have to work on personality development, learn new hard and soft skills, and find ways to establish a healthy work-life balance — making you a perpetual student of your field.

You can teach yourself new abilities and mindsets by getting a degree or reading books. While these are still excellent options, there are unique new ways to learn. And podcasts are one of them. 

Convert your commute or jog into a development opportunity by popping in your earbuds and entering an audio classroom. Business podcasts can teach you to become a more decisive worker and take better care of your team and yourself.

What are business podcasts?

Business podcasts are radio-style audio shows focusing on topics like entrepreneurship, business news, and leadership.

A show host delivers business insights, either from research or personal experience, and sometimes invites industry-expert guests to do the same. Monthly or weekly podcasts are generally a series of episodes approaching a range of topics, so you’ll always find something relevant to you.

Here are a few more common characteristics of business podcasts: 

  • They range in duration from just a few minutes to over an hour
  • You can download them for offline streaming
  • They’re on apps like Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts
  • New episodes usually come out on a predictable schedule, like once a week or twice a month

Why are business podcasts good to listen to?

Podcasts are good for business because they keep you up-to-date on industry trends, competitors, and innovations. And if you’re a business owner, a good percentage of your peers are already reaping the benefit of these resources. A small study from marketing firm Bredin shows that over 50% of small and 70% of medium business owners tune in. 

Here are the perks of listening that make this streaming media format so popular: 

  • Exposes you to diverse ideas: In the world of podcasts, you can learn from just about anyone — from politicians to other business owners from distinct industries. You may know your niche inside and out, but you can push your limits by learning from people with different experiences.

    A small business owner could take valuable workplace communication lessons from a management consultant who’s implemented them in massive companies. 

  • Teaches you how to monetize: You might have a great business idea, but it isn’t necessarily viable if it doesn’t earn a profit. Business podcasts offer the insights you might need to get it off the ground. Hosts frequently interview entrepreneurs who’ve done what you aim to do, and you can learn from their mistakes and experiences. You’ll also find practical tools and resources.

  • Emphasizes the importance of balance: Entrepreneurial podcasts dive deep into business topics like building a brand, increasing revenue, and polishing sales techniques.

    But many shows also take time to remind you what’s truly important: finding purposeful work that supports their mental health. With episodes on managing stress or the value of career coaching, business podcasts reiterate the importance of wellness

The 12 best business podcasts

Streaming a podcast should be an enjoyable, beneficial moment in your day — not a stressful task. If finding the right one to start your listening journey seems overwhelming, use this list of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs, career changers, and new employees to weigh your options. 

Business podcasts for beginners

Starting your own business takes passion, motivation, and a sustainable idea. What better way to receive a dose of actionable advice on all three points than by listening to experts who know how to make a dream take off? Check out the following three podcasts and enjoy business coaching from seasoned entrepreneurs:

1. The $100 MBA Show

The $100 MBA Show trains you in the basics of running a business with the type of lessons you might historically find in an MBA — just for free. Learn how to motivate your team, take a much-needed break when burnout hits, and finance a burgeoning initiative.

2. CEO School

According to CEO School, less than 2% of female founders make $1 million in revenue. This podcast’s goal is to make those numbers climb.

Host Suneera Madhani — who made Fortune’s 2020 40 Under 40 list — speaks with other entrepreneurs and business leaders to reverse-engineer their success and teach you how to do the same. Topics include everything from networking to online marketing.

3. Youpreneur

The weekly Youpreneur podcast from the Youpreneur Academy focuses on helping you succeed, no matter what your goals are. Get business advice from experts on how to change jobs, spend quality time with family, or publish your first book.

With such a vast offering, this podcast is a robust audio library for budding entrepreneurs searching for tips on a specific theme, whether that’s side hustles or LinkedIn tips.

Top motivational podcasts for entrepreneurs

Everyone hits roadblocks and rough patches throughout their career journeys, making it hard to self-motivate. The following podcasts can reinstall some faith with inspirational stories from those who’ve been in the same position:

4. Entrepreneurs on Fire

Entrepreneurs on Fire with John Lee Dumas will get your head in the game with advice from an all-star line-up of professionals who’ve built impressive operations.

With over 4,000 episodes, you can search and find any and every topic. Take inspiration on growing a business exponentially, creating a dream team, and transforming fear into power.

5. The Art of Entrepreneurship

If you’re working too much and short on time, this is the podcast for you. On The Art of Entrepreneurship, host Jackie Hermes discusses the entrepreneurial spirit in no more than 20 minutes every week.

Most episodes are solo, but many feature anecdotes or quotes from inspiring people who’ve thoughtfully balanced their work and life while managing million-dollar businesses. 

6. Startup Stories

Startup Stories from Mixergy compiles audio interviews and masterclasses from leaders of household-name organizations like Wikipedia and Pixar. Access expert knowledge in virtually any business niche, from wearables to grocery store chains. 

The Mixergy platform also allows listeners to submit suggestions for interviewees, so you could hear from the role model who motivated you to launch your business or take it to the next level.

Best podcasts for small business owners

Small and mid-sized businesses run differently than large-scale corporations. While small business owners can take inspiration and learnings from CEOs of massive organizations, they also need tailored advice on running less extensive operations.

These three small business podcasts have plenty of relevant knowledge to offer:

7. Goal Digger

Goal Digger, a podcast from entrepreneur Jenna Kutcher, already has nearly 700 episodes of excellent content to choose from. Its topics balance money-saving tips and business ideas with ADHD and how to trust yourself, offering a well-rounded view of what it’s really like to be an entrepreneur. 

8. Small Business PR 

Public relations (PR) coach Gloria Chou shares insider marketing knowledge on Small Business PR. She explores how to build an audience on a low budget, cold pitch to the country’s biggest media outlets, and spot issues with your PR strategy. Chou proves you don’t need a marketing degree to grow your business.

9. How I Built This with Guy Raz

How I Built This with host Guy Raz explores the origins and motivations behind entrepreneurs’ ideas, reverse-engineering their business processes to teach you how to do the same.

Episodes vary drastically by topic, from how a tool company that didn’t make a sale for seven years transformed into a 100-million dollar operation, or how a sibling duo launched a beloved Thai snack-food brand.

Top business podcasts for management and operations

Leaders wear many hats. Sharpen your knowledge of critical aspects of managing a team, running an operation, and building leadership skills with these three business management podcasts:

10. Duct Tape Marketing 

Author John Jantsch’s Duct Tape Marketing podcast is an extensive library of resources he’s been compiling since 2005. The podcast touches on every facet of promotion — from growing reach online to the importance of color as a brand element.

It’s much more than a crash course on promoting a business; it’s a forum where business leaders provide insights on everything from social media to creativity. 

11. Dare to Lead

Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead, a podcast with the same name as her New York Times-bestselling book, approaches leadership with innovation and bravery.

In some episodes, Brown independently speaks from the heart, and in others she converses with guests ranging from politicians like Barack Obama to renowned psychologists like Pippa Grange. It follows a holistic approach to management and will inspire you to become a better leader.

12. The Leslie Samuel Show

Blogger and former professor Leslie Samuel focuses his podcast on building online companies in the digital age. Even brick-and-mortar businesses can learn from remote company operations, like digital marketing and online collaboration tools.

The Leslie Samuel Show will teach you how to build a sales funnel, stay on top of digital marketing trends, and create a personal brand, all from the comfort of your home.

Start listening and learning

No matter what position you fill in the workforce, you might not have much free time on your hands. You’re working hard, trying to establish a sustainable work-life balance, and equipping yourself with the skills and knowledge you need to thrive. 

Business podcasts teach you how to manage your time and your place at work. They provide an excellent on-the-go option that’s free, engaging, and self-paced. Start an episode when you have a free moment, and finish it when you take another break. It’s a flexible way to keep learning new things.

Invest in your career

Get your promotion. Make your career change. Build the future you dream about. And do it faster with a world-class BetterUp Coach by your side.

Invest in your career

Get your promotion. Make your career change. Build the future you dream about. And do it faster with a world-class BetterUp Coach by your side.

Published October 2, 2023

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships.

With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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