News & Resources

Webinar Explores Strategies to Revolutionize Workforce Management

BY: Felicia DeInnocentiis | 04/02/24

Amid economic pressures experienced today and in recession times, businesses tend to tighten the belt around budgets and expenses to survive and thrive. Before slashing the budget, look to your payroll and HR departments for help! Learn more about the strategies and techniques these departments can utilize to help revolutionize workforce management and enhance your company’s financial health in the upcoming webinar “How Payroll and HR Can Rescue Your Company’s Bottom Line” Wednesday, April 10 at 1:00 p.m. ET.

Sponsored by rapid!, this free webinar for PayrollOrg members will teach how payroll and HR can:

  • Analyze workforce data to identify where labor costs can be optimized
  • Excel in navigating payroll laws and regulations associated with electronic payroll and earned wage access (EWA) to ensure compliance and minimize legal risks
  • Foster a positive workplace culture and boost employee engagement by implementing EWA to reduce recruitment and onboarding costs

Join us as we unlock the potential of your payroll and HR departments to become powerful drivers of savings and growth for your company.

Register for this free webinar today to reserve your space.

Felicia DeInnocentiis is Writer and Editor of Membership Publications for PayrollOrg.